
Who are you?

My name is Brandon Schopf. I have been skiing since I could walk. My mom and dad were both National Ski Patrollers and Instructors. Their primary mountain (hill) was at Potawatomi State Park just outside of Sturgeon Bay. It was skiing there on Wednesday nights and weekends that lit my interest for the sport of skiing. After taking a few years off in adulthood, I got started back up in the 2018/2019 season. Over the last two seasons, I found the passion I had for this great sport again.

What is this The Midwest Skier about?

My expression after my first run at Mount Bohemia.

Starting with what this site is not. It is not a “look at me and what I do” blog. I do not think there is anything special about my skiing or adventures. Although I may share my experiences at different resorts and mountains I travel to, that will not be the bulk of my content.

What I do want to share is information. Along with being a paramedic, I am a health and wellness coach at a local gym. I am passionate about fitness and nutrition and have been able to reap the benefit of those two things in my life, including with my skiing. I would love to share information on nutrition and fitness as well as articles and videos I find on skiing. Other content will include reviews of gear by myself and other contributors.  Finally, I would also like to touch on great food, beverages and the skiing lifestyle in general.